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Week of Expected Pricing Pending
Proposed Ticker HXSZ
Business Description HONGXU SHANGZENG GLOBAL HOLDING LTD is a brand company focusing on providing high-quality and high-tech medical and health management services to people who are afraid of old age, death and loneliness and who are in need of centenarian project, precision medicine and elderly care industry. It has a complete service process and well-developed medical equipment, with a powerful digital system that accurately matches individual needs to form a personalised medical plan. The company focuses on service innovation in the medical and healthcare management services market, providing precise, specialised, full-cycle care and management. It obeys the highest law of the universe, the principle of entropy increase, and does the top-level design of the whole life and health industry chain, which regulates and manages the universe's living organisms (human beings, animals, plants, and microorganisms) from the three dimensions of matter, energy, and information, so as to realise the transition from entropy increase to entropy decrease. It has constructed an industrial model with independent intellectual property rights, an industrial development nucleus and an industrial chain. In particular, it applies cutting-edge technologies of modern medicine, such as molecular medicine, quantum medicine, artificial intelligence and innovative applications of traditional Chinese medicine, to a wide range of applications in the healthcare and rehabilitation Industry.
Lead Underwriter N/A
Co-Managers N/A
Initial Shares N/A
Revised Initial Shares N/A
Initial Price $8.20-$8.20
Revised Price N/A
Final Price N/A
Final Ticker N/A



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