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Week of Expected Pricing Pending
Proposed Ticker SVFD
Business Description Our solutions are developed to improve the food safety and shelf life of fresh produce. We do this by controlling human and plant pathogens, thereby reducing spoilage, and in turn, reducing food loss. Our products are based on a proprietary blend of food acids which have a synergistic effect when combined with certain types of oxidizing agent-based sanitizers and fungicides at low concentrations. Our “green” products are capable of cleaning, sanitizing and controlling pathogens on fresh produce with the goal of making them safer for human consumption and extending their shelf life by reducing their decay. One of the main advantages of our products is that our active ingredients do not leave any toxicological residues on the fresh produce we treat.
Lead Underwriter ThinkEquity, a division of Fordham Financial Management, Inc
Co-Managers N/A
Initial Shares N/A
Revised Initial Shares N/A
Initial Price N/A
Revised Price N/A
Final Price N/A
Final Ticker N/A



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