Research Options:

Week of Expected Pricing Pending
Proposed Ticker N/A
Business Description A business body occupied with software development, encryption, blockchain technologies and related lines of business aimed at the broad public. We angle at users whose primary significance in a messenger application is security and privacy of sent data. We expect we may fail to achieve profitability which may result in ceasing operations due to lack of funding. Alongside with software related services we intend to provide software development consulting services. We expect our showpiece product to be an encrypted messenger application, currently being under development for that reason is nameless until the completion is due. We plan to develop the messenger using blockchain technologies to provide privacy and security to users and their data.
Lead Underwriter N/A
Co-Managers N/A
Initial Shares 5,000,000
Revised Initial Shares N/A
Initial Price $10.00-$10.00
Revised Price N/A
Final Price N/A
Final Ticker N/A



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