Research Options:

Week of Expected Pricing Pending
Proposed Ticker GDLT
Business Description A financial technology (fintech) company that intends to use automation, big data and artificial intelligence to deliver credit risk analysis for fixed income markets. We provide a comprehensive, innovative solution to the challenges of managing credit portfolios under a wide range of economic conditions. We do this by providing a suite of risk analytic models for corporate credit, using intellectual property in artificial intelligence algorithms in combination with unique implementation of well-established credit models that draw on both corporate reporting as well as up-to-the-minute market data. Our analytics are delivered via a user-friendly web interface to customer desktops. Currently, our financial model uses machine learning tools in automation, big data and artificial intelligence in our process to identify indicators of forward-looking information regarding prospective credit problems
Lead Underwriter N/A
Co-Managers Self-Underwritten
Initial Shares 3,000,000
Revised Initial Shares N/A
Initial Price $5.00-$5.00
Revised Price N/A
Final Price N/A
Final Ticker N/A



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