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Business Description A late-clinical-stage pharmaceutical company developing a drug that is intended to improve immune function to reduce severity and incidence of infectious disease with an initial focus on oral herpes. Our drug SQX770 has completed a Phase 1 and a Phase 2 placebo-controlled clinical trial and showed a statistically significant(1) effect in non-primary endpoints in both trials of delaying time to next herpes labialis or oral herpes (cold sore) outbreak (from day 1 to day 121 in the Phase 1 and from days 42 to 121 in the Phase 2) and reducing the number of outbreaks of cold sores (herpes labialis) in the period from 42 to 121 days after a single dose in persons with frequent outbreaks (in the Phase 2). (These were not the planned primary endpoints in either clinical trial and the results failed to meet the planned primary endpoints in each trial.) In a third exploratory clinical trial testing the mechanism of action of the drug without a defined primary endpoint, SQX770 was shown to alter the immune response against the herpes simplex virus of patients with frequent outbreaks to more closely match the immune response at the cellular level of persons who are infected with HSV-1 but have few or no oral herpes outbreaks.
Lead Underwriter EF Hutton, division of Benchmark Investments, LLC
Co-Managers N/A
Initial Shares N/A
Revised Initial Shares N/A
Initial Price N/A
Revised Price N/A
Final Price N/A
Final Ticker N/A



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