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Week of Expected Pricing Pending
Proposed Ticker ZXTY
Business Description ZHONGXING HOLDING GROUP LTD is a brand company focusing on providing high-quality high-tech sports and fitness services for students, young people, professionals, middle-aged and elderly people and other groups. It has a complete service process and perfect fitness equipment, and accurately matches individual needs with a powerful digital system. Form a personalized fitness program.The company focuses on the service innovation of the sports and fitness service market, and helps offline stores to rapidly enhance their brand power and influence through digital, standardized, technological and large-scale operations. At the same time, through the analysis of human body index data, it provides users with a set of systematic and intelligent fitness sports solutions suitable for their own individuals based on accurate analysis of scientific data. Through intelligent equipment, big data analysis, digital operation and other high-tech equipment and digital operation tools, through the fitness data collection system and digital big data analysis system of physical exercise, scientific, accurate and effective to improve the physical fitness of the people, and create a global sports fitness service industry of national fitness, inclusive sports and intelligent fitness.
Lead Underwriter N/A
Co-Managers N/A
Initial Shares N/A
Revised Initial Shares N/A
Initial Price $6.90-$6.90
Revised Price N/A
Final Price N/A
Final Ticker N/A



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