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Week of Expected Pricing Pending
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Business Description A pre-clinical pharmaceutical company approaching phase 1 clinical trials, that develops novel psychedelic medicines to solve widespread, yet under-served, health problems. Our goal is to develop and provide a new type of treatment for alcohol use disorders, or AUDs, including binge drinking and eating disorders, where there is significant unmet need and lack of innovation. We see psychedelic therapies, which previously may have been overlooked or underused, as the future of treatment for a variety of indications. We believe that our solution for AUDs can help solve one of the world’s biggest health problems, which costs the United States alone $250 billion each year. Our other therapeutic programs also target verticals with significant potential market opportunities, if approved
Lead Underwriter Aegis Capital Corp
Co-Managers N/A
Initial Shares N/A
Revised Initial Shares N/A
Initial Price N/A
Revised Price N/A
Final Price N/A
Final Ticker N/A



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